Freitag, 11. Dezember 2009

Mary is waiting on…


Die Wartende-Zeichnung(Skizze) mit“bionic”-Schreiber,15x20cm,nachempfunden einem Gemälde mit “no name”

Mary is waiting on …(My story after impression when I saw a Painting)

Mary a young pretty woman is waiting to check in, she is still dressed and not comfortably sitting on the small chair, uncomfortable how your life is at the moment. She is raising her eyes from the floor and she gets teary- eyed. The wine and troubles of last hours’ made her tired to death. Or actually tired for death? What has happened and run around? In her marriage with Jack was any happiness und had gone. Now …why is she sitting there? Jack and his parents had no feeling for her and your problems. From her hometown she had very gladly moved to in the small working farm to Jack her great love.

Many things soon changed in their life. Today she had a dispute with Jack and his parents again. Jack was so angry and he lost control of himself. Yeah he had punched her body and face. Just now she isn’t feeling her pain but her mind was wound .So she left this bad house which she can see through the window behind her. The small farm nearby this neighbour house is still illuminated through the windows with blinking light. It’s a cold and clear night with shining moon so cold like the time with Jack and her parents-in-law with affront and degradation. She becomes scared about her future life.

The neighbours’ wife was friendly and feeling with her. She understood her situation and so she had arranged a bed for night. Before she left she had put a bottle of wine with a glass on the little table near the window. Wine helps to relax and is good for sleep she thought.

Mary was thinking about tomorrow on Christmas evening and her old mother in the town. Perhaps she should call your mother and she should ask about lodging? No at this moment she would be sadly too. Tomorrow I’ll visit you and I’ll bring her a little present…but I’ll nothing tell about my problems “I can’t live like that” she thought positive…”And I need silence and time to think about my future” she whispers quietly.

“That’s all right and you will see it will be better in a little while. Above all I would say you can stay in my house until you have a doss again.” says caring Betty the neighbour when she comes back to the nice room where Mary bad-faced is sitting.

“Betty you are my Angel…my guardian angel…I just can give is a thank you very much!” says Mary with tears in her eyes. „This offer is my best gift for Christmas day I will pray to God that will be sending a wonder …perhaps it gives a way to excuse Jack.

She stands up and they look for hugging….

Diese Geschichte war eine Übungsaufgabe in unserem Englisch-Kurs. Die meisten Fehler sind bereits durch meinen Lehrer ausgebessert worden und ich hoffe die Geschichte ist auch interessant zu lesen… also viel vergnügen!

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Ob in Urlaub oder Zuhause meine Leidenschaft ist das Zeichnen und Malen in der freien Natur.In diesem Blog möchte ich meinen Freunden und allen Kunstinteressierten einen Einblick in mein Schaffen geben und meine Freude an der Sache teilen!